viernes, junio 29, 2007

El nuevo formato del E3 vuelve a fallar

En teoría al ser más pequeño los periodistas tendrían tiempo suficiente para cubrirlo todo... meeec, error, este año parece peor que nunca:

Let's look at this: 32 companies will be showing their games or products, and the show lasts for two ten-hour days and one seven-hour day. Many companies have hotel meetings, a press conference, and playable games on the show floor. So that's three different areas where their games could be. But wait, it gets better! The hotel suites will be spread between eight hotels, with eight to twenty minutes of travel time between the hotels and the showroom floor. Much of this week has been spent talking to game developers and publishers with a spreadsheet in front of us trying to figure out when we have time during the show to cover the games we want to.

The quick answer is that unless you have a 30-person team, you're not going to have time to see and talk to everyone.

Ocho malditos hoteles?! esta gente no se sabe organizar.. y tanto les cuesta que la feria dure una semana entera?? no hay manera.
