Kristen Bell en Assassin's Creed
Kristen Bell, nintendera de pro, va a poner su voz e imagen en el juego de Ubisoft. Además en una entrevista realizada en IGN comenta varios detalles acerca del argumento del juego...
It's sort of based on the research that's sort of happening now, about the fact that your genes might be able to hold memory. And you could argue semantics and say it's instinct, but how does a baby bird know to eat a worm, as opposed to a cockroach, if its parents don't show it? And it's about this science company trying to, Matrix-style, go into people's brains and find out an ancestor who used to be an assassin, and sort of locate who that person is. It's very, very cool, and I've seen all the graphics for it. We just recorded all the dialogue and did all the face scans and body scans, and I'm really excited about it.
Memoria genética.. esa historia me suena un poco a Kojima. Habría preferido que Assassin's Creed se centrara en su época histórica y no se movieran de ahí con paranoyas "Matrix-style", pero que se le va a hacer... desde un primer momento estuvo claro que había gato encerrado si su intención era hacer una trilogía.

¿Kristen Bell o Jade Raymond? uh uh....