sábado, enero 27, 2007

eBay pone fin a los bienes virtuales

Vía Slashdot:

eBay is now delisting all auctions for 'virtual artifacts' from the site. This includes currency, items, and accounts/characters

Mr. Hani Durzy, speaking for eBay, explained that the decision to pull these items was due to the 'legal complexities' surrounding virtual property. "For the overall health of the marketplace" the company felt that the proper course of action, after considerable contemplation, was to ban the sale of these items outright.

Se acabó el vender personajes de nivel 60 de WoW, se acabó el vender oro virtual, etc, etc... ¡Ya era hora! de todos modos fácilmente puedes encontrar subastas de CDs cargados de ROMs, así que los filtros de eBay siguen dejando bastante que desear... aquel que quiera vender un bien virtual seguirá haciéndolo, aunque de forma algo más disimulada..