jueves, enero 04, 2007

Greg Kasavin abandona GameSpot

No me gusta GSpot ni IGN, pero la marcha de un editor jefe como Kasavin es noticia. Pese a muchas discrepancias con bastantes de sus análisis, era un editor bastante respetable.

"My friends, family, and close colleagues have known that making games has always been my goal," says Kasavin in a farewell blog post. "But breaking into that business is hard, and I wasn't going to do it until I was ready. At last, when faced with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get my foot in the door and contribute to one of my favorite gaming franchises, I still didn't have an easy time making the choice. That's because, in case it hasn't been abundantly clear, I love this job."

Me pregunto a que compañía se irá y a que franquicia se refiere.. y que repercusiones tendrá su marcha para la web.