viernes, junio 15, 2007

Sega dice: "Wii perderá fuelle pronto, PS3 gana la guerra"

Scott Steinberg, vicepresidente de marketing de la rama norteamericana de Sega Sammy Holdings parece tenerlo claro:

"I am a little concerned about the creative depth of the Wii pool," Steinberg said in an interview. "I'm not sure if they will top out in 2008 or 2009."

"The Wii will start to look really dated in a couple years when developers get more value from the 360 and learn more and more about the PlayStation 3," Steinberg said.

"How much value can developers and creative folks get out of this wrist motion two years from now, or 5 years from now, or 10 years from now?" Steinberg said.

Totalmente cierto, pero lo que no se ha planteado el señor Steinberg es que Nintendo tal vez tiene planeado renovar la Wii mucho antes de lo que se pueda imaginar.

Y sobre PS3:

Sega expects Sony's PlayStation 3 will be the ultimate winner in this round of the console battle.

"We know the PS3 pool is pretty deep. There's a lot to exploit there," Steinberg said.

Sí, tiene mucho que demostrar todavía pero creo que lo hará demasiado tarde, cuando MS ya tenga una nueva Xbox en el mercado.

Fuente: Reuters.