Tumiki Fighters para Wii!!
Otra noticia de Wii y esta es realmente para quitarse el sombrero... Majesco lanzará Blast Works: Build, Fuse & Destroy a principios de 2008, que viene a ser una conversión mejorada del maravilloso Tumiki Fighters (quien no lo haya probado que lo haga AHORA).
Across more than 15 different land, air and sea missions, the goal of Blast Works is to destroy enemy ships while continually growing your own into a massive craft by absorbing their fragments. The larger a "fused ship" is, the easier it is to protect from the growing onslaught of enemy firepower. Players can also upgrade their ship in the Hangar by customizing weapons, propulsion systems and armor. Creative types will further enjoy building a ship from scratch with the Ship Editor and then testing it out in combat on a custom level they've built with the Level Editor.

Fuente: EA