domingo, septiembre 23, 2007

50 cosas que tal vez no sabes sobre ICO/SotC

Interesante entrada en Team ICO Gamers:

1. Yorda had a haircut done the day before the master was due
6. Yorda was the one to wear horns
8. ICO's story was to be very different. Yorda was a princess trapped in a small room and the boy a slave worker in the castle who found the room and helped the girl escape
20. ICO is a pun on Japanese expressions meaning "Let's go"
24. Ico was given horns because it was not easy to make a distinction between the two characters from a distance
46. Yorda's runic language is written by substituting backwards Japanese Romaji and spoken backwards Japanese
50. Fumito Ueda's job application letter to Sony included a picture of a cat

Hasta un total de 50. Vean, vean.