domingo, enero 06, 2008

PSP se convierte en teléfono

Juegos decentes en PSP pocos sacan pero frikadas multimedia hay para dar y tomar. Y ojo que esta última puede tener cierta repercusión. Se trata de Skype, que a finales de este mes será compatible con PSP, pudiendo realizar llamadas vía Internet mediante nuestra portátil.

By introducing Skype on PSP, the following features and services will be made available to PSP users:

– Free voice calls between Skype users
– Skype contact list management (view existing contacts, add new ones)
– Skype presence (see which friends are online and available to talk)
– SkypeOut calls to make calls to landlines and mobile phones
anywhere in the world (requires the purchase of Skype credit)
– Optional SkypeIn number that lets users receive calls on Skype from
landlines and mobiles anywhere in the world (requires the purchase of
Skype credit)
– View and modify Skype settings and account details (including username
creation, SkypeOut settings, voicemail settings and call forwarding)


Supongo que esto vendrá a ser el rumoreado PSPhone, ¿no?